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etude design is the architectural design studio founded by an architect, Masaki Adachi. The design and production of architectural model is our main service. We also construct physically and visualize various concepts that are tried in the design process.


A draft, sketches, concept models, diagrams and the actual constructed building we redefine are “etude” which own their work characteristics individually at this site. It also serves as a place of architectural research based on the viewpoint above.


This studio continues to work on commissions from our clients and our own initiative projects. Traces of the various attempts that have been made during our works are regardless of the scale of the project and been archived in parallel equivalently.








Design and produce architectual model

Produce info-graphics and concept diagram

Draft architectual drawing

Design and produce architecture and interior design

All works that are related above



足立真輝 建築家

2013 金沢区総合庁舎 一部内装デザイン 金沢区区民賞


2014 関東学院大学 工学部建築学科 関研究室 学士号


          論文:大地と繋がる建築ー村野藤吾設計、箱根プリンスホテルの作             品論ーで足立(一郎記念)賞

2016 京都造形芸術大学大学院 建築デザイン分野  芸術修士


         修士設計:HOMEINSIDE で修士スタジオ賞 

​2016  etude design 設立

2017 第13回ダイワハウスコンペティション 最優秀賞

​2018 読売理工学院 非常勤講師

Masaki Adachi   architect

2013 Kanazawa ward community award [ Kanazawa ward office interior design]

2014 Bachelor degree at Kanto gakuin university Kazuaki Seki lab

   Ichiro Adachi memorial award [thesis:Grounding Architecture

 ーThe morphology of “Hakone  Prince Hotel”, designed by Togo Muranoー]

2016 Master of Arts degree at Kyoto university of art and design Yasushi Horibe studio

2016 Established etude design 

​2017 13th DaiwaHouseCompetiton Grand prize

2018 Part time instructor at Yomiuri Institute of Technology and Welfare



西端暁 建築家

2014 関東学院大学 工学部建築学科 学士号

2016 関東学院大学大学院 工学研究科 建築学専攻 工学修士号  

Sho Nishihata   Building Designer

2014 Bachelor of Engineering Degree at Kanto Gakuin University, Taisuke Kuroda Lab​

2016 Master of Engineering Degree at Kanto Gakuin University, Taisuke Kuroda Lab​

© 2020 masaki adachi

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